Louise Ruth Pass

Pass family at Lousie’s dedication.

Pass family at Lousie’s dedication.

Louise Ruth Pass
23/1/1990 – 2/7/1990

Louise was our second child born at 42 weeks gestation.  I was induced as Louise was way too comfortable.  She was in a frank breech position and I was allowed to birth vaginally.  We were completely unaware of her condition until at 1 week of age we were sent to Westmead Children’s Hospital for what we believed were routine exams due to her being breech.

After several tests including a full skeletal survey and an ultrasound which took forever.  We were seen by a geneticist who informed us that he believed Louise had Trisomy 18.  A lumbar puncture was performed and his suspicions confirmed.  The doctors gave us no hope and as Louise was well and breathing on her own we were instructed to take her home.  We were given no instruction on how to care for her and no support.

Louise lived with us and our oldest daughter Jennifer for 5 ½ months it was a difficult time but a happy one.

We had no contact with other families until 6 years after Louise had passed away when we met Karen and her son Alex and together we started SOFT Australia to help support other families going through what we were.  In November 1996 we had our first meeting and things have grown from there.

~ Tracey D. Pass

Tracey, Jenny and Louise before being diagnosed.

Tracey, Jenny and Louise before being diagnosed.